posted 5/2/12 by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager
The Sierra Sun and Associated Press picked up stories relating to Truckee River Watershed Council activities and priority issues this past week:
The Truckee River Watershed Council was recently featured at the Tahoe League for Charity’s monthly Luncheon and Speaker Series. River Talks are a great way to learn more about our work to restore and protect our rivers, streams, and meadows, and share your comments and feedback with us. Click here to read more.
Whether on land or in the water, addressing invasive species and their negative impact on the watershed and area waters is an important issue for Truckee River Watershed Council. Last month, a boat inspection prevented a boat infested with nonnative zebra mussels from entering Lake Tahoe (click here to read more). Although mandatory boat inspections would have stopped this vessel from entering Lake Tahoe, it was a happy coincidence that this infested boat was observed during a training session for about 40 inspectors who are now on the job protecting Tahoe for the 2012 boating season.
Boat inspections are an essential part of efforts to protect Truckee and Tahoe waters. Thank you for inspecting your watercraft and for refusing to take aquatic invasive species for a ride! Remember to Clean, Drain and Dry your boat, canoe, or kayak after every use to ensure you are not transporting any unintended hitchhikers. Click here for self-inspection training online for hand-launched watercraft.