Michele Prestowitz, Program Manager

Bear Creek, a tributary to the Truckee River, is located in Placer County, six miles northwest of Tahoe City. The creek flows southeast from its headwaters at Alpine Meadows Ski Resort to the confluence with the Truckee River approximately three miles downstream.

The pattern of land ownership and land use in the Bear Creek is complex: there are public and private lands, historic and modern development, residential and commercial uses.  Year-round recreational is significant including skiing, hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian. Like so many parts of our larger watershed the area has been heavily impacted by timber harvesting, roads, and diversion of creeks and streams.

Despite these impacts, significant potential for restoration exists. Much of the land is preserved as permanent open space and provides a variety of important habitats including deer fawning habitat, freshwater streams, forested uplands, wetlands, and meadows.

At the Watershed Council, our work is remarkably multifaceted:

Part science: addressing the site biology, geology and hydrology.

Part management: aligning agencies, contractors and volunteers.

Part funding: from grants, foundations and individual donations.

Part education: raising awareness for locals, visitors and water-users.

We have one goal – improving the future.  And toward that goal, we seek to hire a consultant to complete a watershed assessment and design several restoration projects in the Bear Creek basin.

Please see the Bear Creek Assessment and Design Request for Proposals for more information. Proposals are due Friday, July 21, 2017 by 5:00 pm to Michele Prestowitz, Program Manager (mprestowitz@truckeeriverwc.org, at (530) 550-8760 ext. 4#).

Thank you to our partners and stakeholders for their participation.

Special thanks to our funders whose generous support makes this work possible – donors to the Truckee River Watershed Council and The Martis Fund.