Bringing back Perazzo Meadows
Surrounded by snow-capped peaks to the west and upland forest north and south, the intricate network of meadowland is arguably one of the most breathtaking stretches of the Truckee watershed. That is until closer inspection revealed degradation from extensive modification beginning in the late 1800s, followed by logging, road construction and dairy farming in the early 1900s.
Today, huge swaths of this multi-meadow system have already been revived. But the effort to correct the degradation and restore hydrologic function to the area is ongoing.
Fending off erosion—meadow by meadow
Expanding the floodplain
By restoring streams to their natural channels, we allow the meadow to once again ‘hold water’—a natural function of a healthy meadow.
Revegetating meadowlands
Bringing back wetland plant species—like sedges and rushes—restores the meadow’s ability to sustain life.
Re-establishing habitats
Numbers of native species— like Willow Flycatchers and Sandhill Crane—are on the rise.
Nuturing diversity
Improving habitats for wildlife—including bugs, birds, fish, deer, even black bear—has made Perazzo the most diverse meadow system in the Tahoe National Forest.
Where it
all happens
Located in the northern sector of the watershed, Perazzo Meadows is located 15 miles north of the town of Truckee in the Northern Sierra.
Fast Facts
Location: 15 miles north of the town of Truckee in the Northern Sierra
Scale: 425 Acres
Schedule: June 2007 – October 2019
Budget: $1.5 Million
85% funded
For more information on assessments, monitoring, plans and reports pertaining to the restoration of Perazzo Meadows, check out this resources section.