Get Ready for the 29th Annual Truckee River Day & Fair!

Thank you to those who signed up for Truckee River Day 2024! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, October 20th (rain or shine) to restore this beautiful watershed with you!


Be part of what started it all. It was that first Truckee River Day in 1996 that spawned today’s Truckee River Watershed Council. Since then thousands of nature-lovers have shown up yearly with their gumboots, buckets, shovels and smiles to take on 100s of restoration projects throughout the watershed.

Work along side your friends – and make new ones – as together we repair and restore our watershed. Restoration projects begin at 9am and 11am and are open for all ages and abilities. Truckee River Day projects are designed to boost the benefits of large-scale restoration construction that has been completed in recent years. Activities like spreading native seed, planting willows, mulching, building beaver dams, improving trails and stabilizing streambanks help to recharge groundwater, increase moisture to vegetation that supports critical habitat, and keeps water flowing in our streams later into the dry season.

For example, after our project work and Truckee River Day volunteer efforts in Martis Valley, the effects of that restoration effort are ragingly clear. We can now observe a multi-thread channel system in what was once a straight, single channel. There are backwater ponds, new willows moving in, and sagebrush moving out — excellent indicators of increased hydrologic function and wetland habitat area for sensitive wildlife species and for the enjoyment of our outdoor community! This Truckee River Day, you have the opportunity to contribute to projects just like this one.

Truckee River Day Fast Facts


When: Rain or shine on Sunday, October 20th!
Start times at 9am or 11am until approximately 2:30pm
Where: Various locations throughout the watershed. Specific sites announced mid-September.

Now closed.

Contact: Eben Swain at 530.550.8760 x 7 or


Take a self-guided tour of 10 past Truckee River Day projects! Download your map here

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Please watch our safety video in preparation for having an excellent Truckee River Day volunteer experience!

Thank you to the donors of the Truckee River Watershed Council for their support