Be a watershed scientist

(families, friends & groups welcome)

Participate in important chemistry monitoring through our popular Adopt-A-Stream program.

We will train and equip you.

Be a chemist

  • monitor water temperature
  • measure conductivity
  • assess chemical pH readings
  • evaluate dissolved oxygen
  • measure turbidity
  • collect nutrient samples

Chemistry Work

(learn fieldwork measurement skills)

Just like people, a river’s health can be measured. What’s its temperature? Color? Chemical pH level? How does it smell?

Tracking the chemical and physical characteristics of a stream is important. It helps us learn what’s working—and where we can do more.

So volunteer as a family, a group or on your own. And get ready to wade in the water, use scientific techniques and have some fun.

Some families have been monitoring their adopted stream for years—inspiring the next generation of naturalists.

Chemistry Volunteer Fast Facts 



Measure water characteristics

Fill out field reports and take photos

When: Four times a summer for 2-4 hours (May-Sept)
Where: Get measurements from 25 different streams; including Donner Creek, Alder Creek and Little Truckee River
Who: Any age if with their family. Or anyone age 16 and up. We train you. No experience needed.

Sign up by emailing Michele Prestowitz

or call Michele

530.550.8760 x4