by Erin Casey, Director of Land Use Compatibility
Love the River? Come work with us! We are hiring for the 2016 River-Friendly Landscaping season.
River-Friendly Landscaping helps homeowners improve water quality and protect the surrounding environment by voluntarily implementing soil… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
Our normally quiet “shoulder” season seems busier than ever this year. Right now, I’m trying to find time in my calendar to finish up my yard projects before the fall rain and (hopefully epic!) winter… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
Milestones are interesting for me. Sometimes I celebrate them. Sometimes I ignore they’re happening (like every birthday so far after 45!). But mostly, milestones are a time for reflection, gratitude and looking forward.
As Rose… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
The 20th Annual Truckee River Day is Sunday, October 18, 2015.
The first few Truckee River Day shirts highlighted the following Chinese proverb:“Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me… Read more
by Erin Casey, Director of Land Use Compatibility
The Truckee River Watershed Council is seeking construction bids for the Jammer Chair Riparian and Aspen Restoration Project.
The Jammer Chair Project site history includes a series of fills and road developments… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
In our 4th year of drought, erosion hasn’t really been on my mind. I never knew…
I live on a relatively flat lot in Glenshire, well away from the Truckee River. My yard doesn’t have… Read more
by Jeannette Halderman, Project Manager
The Truckee River Watershed Council seeks to contract with a firm to prepare historical and cultural resources environmental review to be incorporated into CEQA documents for the Truckee Wetlands (Meadows) Restoration project.
The Truckee Wetlands… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
Since I started protecting the watershed as a volunteer and now as TRWC staff, I notice things I never have before. All the time – out hiking, while biking along the Legacy Trail with my… Read more
by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
monitorverb: to watch, observe, listen to, or check (something) for a special purpose over a period of timemon·i·tored | mon·i·tor·ing | \ˈmä-nə-t(ə-)riŋ\
To move forward, you must understand where you are… and where you’ve been.… Read more