by Kathy Whitlow, Office Manager
The 20th Annual Truckee River Day is Sunday, October 18, 2015.
The first few Truckee River Day shirts highlighted the following Chinese proverb:
“Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.”
With several Truckee River Days behind me, I do understand…
- The level of involvement in our community is tremendous – I am a proud part of it.
- The Truckee River watershed is threatened – I can do something about it.
- My kids are curious about our natural environment – I can help them learn.
- Every little bit counts – I can make a difference.
- It’s my responsibility to do what I can – and I will.
Why do you participate in Truckee River Day each year?
Maybe you’re in for the t-shirt. My collection is just a few years old but growing…
Maybe you’re in to meet new people. I love seeing familiar faces come out each year!
Maybe you’re in to honor someone else, like those who participate at the Sodergren memorial project each year.
Maybe you’re in to learn something. How great is it to hike through Perazzo Meadows and actually witness for yourself that we can bring back meadows previously damaged through 100+ years of historical land use?
Maybe you’re in to give back. Looking for your cause or passion? Stick with it! Do you already know that community service and environmental stewardship are essential parts of who you are? Congratulations on discovering what’s meaningful to you! We’ll help you feed that need.
On October 18th, you can join us in taking back the Truckee River’s meadows, creeks, streams and ponds. Home to the bugs, fish, birds and… humans. Our work helps bring them all back – all with commitment from people like you.
You in? Register today.
Image: Do you recognize any of this Truckee River Day t-shirt art? Start or add to your Truckee River Day collection by volunteering on October 18th.
Thank you to this year’s funders, including donors to the Truckee River Watershed Council, Northstar California, Tahoe Oral Surgery and Implant Center, and the Truckee Donner Chamber of Commerce.