by Erin Casey, Director of Land Use Compatibility

Preserving and protecting the watershed is mind-bogglingly multifaceted.

Part science: assessing and monitoring the biology, geology, and hydrology of each project.
Part management: aligning agencies, consultants, contractors and volunteers to get the job done.
Part funding: finding the grants, foundations and donations needed to finance each effort.
Part education: telling locals, visitors and water-users about our stressed and impacted ecosystem.

Area homeowners can help make the watershed more resilient, sustainable and alive by making sure their yards are River-Friendly. Your neighbors are seeing the benefits first-hand. Vivian E. recently told us, “We love our erosion free yard. During the really heavy rains in May it was the first time we have had torrential rains and not one grain of sand washed down our driveway.”

Science shows that implementation of soil erosion control measures on already-developed properties – your home – is critical step towards improving and preserving water quality.

Managing the potential erosion of soil from your property can prevent TONS of sediment from reaching our rivers, wetlands and lakes each year. River-Friendly Landscaping is a free, voluntary program that provides you with a site plan and tips to install erosion control measures.

Funding is available to reimburse qualifying homeowners up to $1,000 for the cost of labor and materials. Rebate funds won’t last forever. Get started by calling us today for a site evaluation: 530-550-8760 x7.

Education is key! Learn about the (often simple) things you can do to make your yard River-Friendly. Obtaining your free site evaluation from us will help you understand the things you can do on your property to protect our native ecosystems.

Will you play a part in helping preserve and protect your watershed?

Are you one of the 600+ area homeowners who have received a River-Friendly Landscaping site evaluation? If you’ve done some of the work we’ve recommended, you may qualify for a full or partial rebate. We’ve already provided rebates to over 80 of your neighbors. Tell us about the recommended work you’ve completed and apply for your rebate today! Call Erin at 530-550-8760 x7.