Bringing back Middle Martis Wetland

Middle Martis Wetland was originally an alluvial fan of rivulets—multiple streams of life-sustaining channels. But due to decades of abuse from road and railroad building, the fan was confined to a single channel, eroding opportunities for wildflowers, birds and aquatic life to thrive.

To revive the fan, we first reconnected natural aquatic pathways. Then we re-introduced native sedges, grasses, shrubs and trees. Much of this work was done by volunteers and nature-lovers like you.

Look who’s back…

The Meadow

By reviving 60 acres of meadow and a mile of stream, we’ve created a haven for aquatic insects, Yellow Warblers and Willow Flycatchers.

The Fish

Eliminating erosion and headcuts improves passage for fish. So trout, dace and sculpin will find their way back here.

Sedge and Willow

We’ve re-introduced soil-holding sedge and willow species to the riparian areas south of Highway 267.

Where it
all happens

The Middle Martis Wetland is located 5 miles south of the town of Truckee on Highway 267. It can be accessed from Waddle Ranch road.
Fast Facts

Location: 5 miles south of the town of Truckee on Highway 267

Scale: 60 acres of meadow and wetlands

Scope: August 2012 – October 2016

Project Cost: $1,600,000
100% funded



For more information on assessments, monitoring, plans, and reports involving Middle Martis Wetland, check out this resources section.