by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager
Located within the Gregory Creek watershed just west of Truckee, Negro Canyon has been impacted by waves of human use, from grazing to construction of Interstate 80 to logging to wildfires to off-highway vehicle use. These land uses contribute to water quality problems within the larger Truckee River drainage. In big rainstorms, large amounts of sediment erode from Negro Canyon into Donner Lake via Gregory Creek.
Along with our partners, Truckee Donner Land Trust and the Tahoe Donner Association, restoration of six legacy erosion sites is planned as part of the Negro Canyon Restoration Project. A restoration design plan for several sites with in Negro Canyon is in process.
Restoration work will primarily consist of restoring abandoned road alignments, revegetating areas with native plants, restoring eroded stream channels, and re-establishing natural drainage patterns. Significant habitat and water quality improvements are expected to result from project implementation. We estimate that restoration will reduce 60 tons of sediment per year for 20 years.
This project is funded by the California Department of Water Resources, the Truckee River Fund of the Community Foundation of Western Nevada, and donors of the Truckee River Watershed Council.
Challenge Gift 2013: If you join the Together for the Truckee Society today by making a pledge of at least $1,000 a year for 5 years, your pledge will be matched DOLLAR for DOLLAR for the next 5 years by a new Challenge Gift. The members of the Together for the Truckee Society make a long-term, financial commitment to help ensure the financial strength of the TRWC and the sustainability of our work for the Truckee River watershed. Don’t miss this opportunity to double your impact! Your support makes work like the Negro Canyon Restoration Project possible. Click here for more information on the Challenge Gift.
For more information, please reference the Negro Canyon Watershed Assessment conducted by TRWC and completed in 2012.