Notice of Public Hearing

December 8, 2016 9:00 A.M.

General Gomez Arts and Events Center 808 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA 95603

At the time and place set forth above, the governing board of the Sierra Nevada Conservancy will hold a Public Hearing and possibly take action on the following matter:

Possible authorization of a grant to the Truckee River Watershed Council in the amount of $362,538.00 for:
Forest Health and Watershed Improvement through Noxious Weed Management (SNC #909)

Forest Health

The project is located in Nevada and Sierra Counties, north of Truckee on lands in or near the Tahoe National Forest and in proximity to the Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoirs. The project site is centered at approximately 39.506, -120.169.

The Truckee River Watershed Council requests $362,538.00 from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to implement a comprehensive invasive weed control program, which would treat 1,500 acres within an 18,000-acre project site to remove noxious weeds, improve and protect wildlife habitat and native plant populations, improve watershed and forest health, and reduce the risk of wildfire.

The Forest Health and Watershed Improvement through Noxious Weed Management Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304, which applies to minor alterations to land, water, and/or vegetation and that does not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees. The project includes surveying noxious weed concentrations, removal of noxious weeds, and planting native species. The project includes Integrated Management Practices that would avoid significant impacts on the environment.

Meeting materials are available on the SNC website at . For additional information or to submit written comment on any agenda item, please contact Mrs. Armstrong at (530) 823-4700 or or 11521 Blocker Drive, Suite 205, Auburn CA 95603. If you need reasonable accommodations, including documents in alternative formats (California Relay Service 866-735-0373 or 711), please contact Mrs. Armstrong at least five (5) working days in advance.