By Lisa Wallace, Executive Director
I’m excited to tell you about a big habitat effort happening (in some cases quite literally) right in your backyard. It’s called the Martis Wildlife Area Restoration Project.
As we all know, this beautiful span of alpine meadow is one of most treasured spots in all the Sierra.
What many of us don’t know, however, is that this beloved spot is gravely endangered. Streams are drying up. Banks rapidly eroding. Habitats threatened. It’s time to act.
Our need to protect the meadow now dovetails perfectly with a statewide push to manage water in California. This project is set to restore:
- 70 acres of meadow
- 2 miles of streams
- habitats for fish, birds, and mammals
- native wetland & riparian plant species
Accomplishing all this (one of our most exciting projects to date) will take most of the summer and patient co-operation from locals like you. Look for big yellow earthmovers in the meadow. And please respect the signage regarding trail use and parking.
Over the next few years, our meadow will emerge wetter, wilder and greener—a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Please join me in protecting this precious resource. We can’t let it go.
Learn more about the project on our website.
It takes a dedicated team to do what we do. Thank you to our partners the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northstar California Resort, and the Northstar Community Services District.
Thank you to the funders who are making this work possible – the donors of the Truckee River Watershed Council, Bella Vista Foundation, California Department of Fish and Wildlife via Prop 1, The Martis Fund, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.