by Phoenix Anthony, Office Manager & Michele Prestowitz, Development Manager


Living in a place surrounded by so much beauty, it’s hard to choose a favorite spot. Maybe it’s a walking trail winding through the forest or a swimming hole surrounded by willows. We are all inspired by the smallest details of memories created in these places. A bird softly chirping in the early morning, the splash of a trout in the flows, the crisp crunch of freshly fallen leaves. It’s magic.

The camas lilies of Merrill Davies does this for me. Have you seen them? This area was once a dry meadow, but supporters like you made restoration possible. We certainly faced challenges and obstacles, but today it is thriving – filtering and storing clean waters, providing habitat for crucial wildlife species.

Restoration is a proven method to make our ecosystems more resilient. When forests, wetlands and meadows are healthy, they adapt and thrive in the face of natural disturbances and large-scale threats, like flooding, fire and drought. Simply put, they resist and recover.

We’re working to protect some of our watershed’s most valuable assets – not just our natural environment, but also the people, property, and infrastructure of our community. We have proven successes like Merrill Davies, Perazzo Meadows and Coldstream Canyon under our belt. Now we look forward to restoration in places like the first 4 miles of the Truckee River, Dry Creek and Middle Martis Creek. Will you join us? The Truckee River Watershed Council needs your help today. Make a donation, become a volunteer, or join us for a River Talk.

Images: Before and after photos of a restoration project in Merrill Davies. Credits: Randy Westmoreland & Jim Duffy.