by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager

The Friends of Squaw Creek will host a public information forum on the biology of Squaw Creek on Thursday, March 28th at 6 p.m. at the SVPSD meeting room (305 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley).  

Join the Friends of Squaw Creek as they facilitate a discussion of Squaw Creek’s historic to current status as well as opportunities for future improvements. Speakers will include :

    • Ian Chan, local fisheries biologist, working for Garcia and Associates, performed a fisheries assessment of Squaw Creek in 2011 as part of the proposed Village development baseline analysis. He has also conducted the 2010 and 2012 benthic macroinvertebrate bioassessments for the Squaw Creek TMDL on behalf of Placer County.  He will present historical information regarding Squaw Creek fisheries as well as an overview of recent data representing the current status of aquatic resources in Squaw Creek.
    • David Lass, Northern California Field Director for Trout Unlimited, also assessed Squaw Creek using TU’s Meadow Restoration Fish Analysis Tool (MRFAT).  He will present his study and help us look to future opportunities to improve the fish habitat of Squaw Creek.
    • Mike Liquori, principal of Sound Watershed, has been studying Squaw Creek since 2005  He is currently working under a State Waterboard grant with Placer County advancing restoration concepts for Squaw Creek from the confluence through the meadow.  He will share his experience and ideas that will guide improvements for a healthier creek.

There will be plenty of time for questions and answers at this public event. For more information, click here.

Registration ends Friday, October 11th