by Beth Christman, Director of Restoration Programs

The Truckee River Watershed Council, in cooperation with State Parks is seeking a firm to construct the Coldstream Canyon Floodplain Restoration project.  The project is located in Donner Memorial State Park in Truckee, CA.

Cold Creek was relocated and channelized to accommodate gravel mining. Substantial erosion now occurs due to extremely high velocity and shear stress on streambanks. Streambanks through the project reach are very high, and even the largest floods are carried entirely within the channel, creating enormous erosive stress. In more recent times, extensive erosion and deposition of coarse gravels bars has started to create limited areas of new floodplain. This is a very slow process and yields substantial amounts of both fine and coarse grained sediment.

The proposed project will create inset floodplain benches and install bank stabilization and revegetation features along approximately 1,000 feet of Cold Creek. Construction activities will include excavation of addition floodplain area, creating toe protections, protecting existing riparian vegetation, treating two headcuts in tributary swales, adding floodplain features, installing rip rap and biotechnical bank stabilization, and revegetating excavated areas to prevent future erosion and restore riparian habitat.

There is a mandatory pre-bid site tour on Wednesday, June 13th at 1:00 PM.  Bids are due June 29th.

Details can be found in the following documents: [links removed]

Coldstream Request for Bid

100% Design Plans

Technical Specifications

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Bid Sheet

Map for Pre-Bid Tour


Please contact Beth Christman at (530) 550-8760 ext. 1 with any questions.




Registration ends Friday, October 11th