by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager
Thank you to the 80 people who attended the Coldstream Canyon Floodplain Restoration Project presentation this past Tuesday, February 12th. Coldstream Canyon is affected by current and past land use including the railroad corridor, gravel mining, and recreation. Work to restore floodplain function and reduce sediment pollution began in August 2012.
Many are looking forward to monitoring the completed construction and future restoration work in Coldstream Canyon. We’ve also heard questions about how you can help. In addition to supporting the Watershed Council’s work with donations or pledges of ongoing financial support, you will have an opportunity this fall to get your hands dirty at the project site! We’ll be including some revegetation projects during Truckee River Day on October 20, 2013 so please save the date.
For more information on this project and others, please visit our website. Here are a few useful links:
- Coldstream Canyon Floodplain Restoration Project description
- Copy of the 2/12/13 presentation
- Coldstream Canyon Assessment completed in 2007
Thank you to speakers for the evening: Cyndie Walck, California Department of Parks & Recreation and TRWC’s Beth Christman. And to the Cedar House Sport Hotel for hosting.
As always, we thank our funders whose generous support helps make this restoration work possible:
- Truckee River Watershed Council donors
- California Natural Resources Agency
- California State Parks
- California State Water Resources Control Board
- Overall Family Foundation
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy
- Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada