by Lisa Wallace, Executive Director
Invasive weeds are aggressive plants that have been introduced into an area outside of their native range and are dangerous because they out-compete native and other desirable plants. The invasives reduce land and recreational values, damage water quality, contribute to soil erosion, degrade plant and animal habitat and increase the risk of wild-land fire.
Early detection and rapid response is crucial when it comes to the invasive weeds found in the Truckee River watershed. Here is how you can help:
1. Come to a weed walk – learn what to remove and how: July 9 Weed Walk
2. Come to a weed pull – help us win the battle! July 23 Weed Pull
3. Download our App and report weeds as you hike around the watershed:
4. Learn what is invasive and what is not: ID Weeds
5. Get a free evaluation of your yard – learn about native plants and controlling erosion: River-Friendly Landscaping