by Lisa Wallace, Executive Director


“We got so much work done at Perazzo Meadows!”

“The volunteers were incredible, we could have completed the whole Corps Yard site!”

“We collected the data on the entire reach on Squaw Creek this year – the amazing autumn weather certainly helped!”

” My daughter woke me up early this morning – she was excited and wanted to exactly where we would be working today!”

Sunday, October 16, 2011.  Over 500 volunteers worked on project sites throughout the Truckee River watershed.  The project sites were managed by over 50 Group Leaders.

After the project work was completed, many people came to the River Fair at the Granite Flats Campground.  About 150 kids released fingerling Lahontan cutthroat trout into the Truckee River.

In the next few days we will post photos and more detailed results and descriptions.

Until then, THANK YOU to the volunteers, group leaders, project partners, and to Vail Resorts Echo foundation.