River Friendly Landscaping ( RFL)
With no erosion control measures on your residential property, an average of one ton of soil may be lost per year, per lot. No matter where you live in the watershed, this sediment eventually finds its way into tour area streams and the Truckee River; it’s a major source of pollution. Through River Friendly Landscaping, significant water quality improvements are being made, one property at a time.
Get a free site evaluation to identify erosion sources on your property. A $1,000 rebate is available to help off-set the cost of installing erosion control measures. For more information and to request a site evaluation: River Friendly Landscaping
June 23rd – River Talk
Want to learn about our work to enhance and restore our local rivers? Join us for an hour and allow us to inspire you. 8:00 am – 9:00 am, at the Truckee River Watershed Council office.
For more information and to RSVP: River Talk
June 23rd – Weed Warriors Work Day
Be a Weed Warrior – help control invasive weeds on Boca Hill from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon. Lunch and tools for weed pulling will be provided. We request volunteers be 10 years or older.
For more information and registration: Weed Warriors Work Day
June 25th – Adopt-A-Stream ~ Aquatic Monitoring Field Collection
Come out and collect aquatic insects as we monitor the health of our watershed! We provide everything, just enjoy a morning outdoors.
For more information: Aquatic Monitoring Field Collection
June 28th – Weed Warrior Weed Walk – Downtown Truckee
How do I know if that weed is invasive or non-invasive? And did you know that sometimes pulling a weed can result in the species spreading? Meet at the Truckee River Watershed office on High Street at 5:00 pm, we will take a walk and answer these questions and more.
For more information and to register: Weed Warrior Weed Walk