posted 3/29/12 by Andy Otto, Director of Restoration Programs
As we are having our first indications of the approach of Spring, we wanted to let you know that the dates for this year’s Adopt-a-Stream continuing monitoring weekends are set for May 12*, June 21-23, July 26-28th, and September 27-29th.
*Snapshot Day: One of the four annual monitoring days is coordinated with a statewide water quality monitoring day called Snapshot Day. Snapshot Day is the one day each year when the water quality of the entire Tahoe-Truckee watershed is measured simultaneously providing a “snapshot” of the water quality of the region. Join hundreds of regional volunteers on May 12th and help us take a snapshot of the water quality for the entire Tahoe-Truckee watershed to kick off our monitoring season. Registration is required for Snapshot Day and will open in April on our website.
All of us at TRWC would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of our past and present monitoring volunteers. We’ve placed the most recent monitoring report on our website. This is the fruit of all of your labors… we simply can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work!