by Jeannette Halderman, Program Manager
The Truckee River Watershed Council (TRWC) is looking to hire a consulting firm to conduct invasive plant removal within select areas of the Truckee River watershed.
Non-native invasive plant removal, focusing on musk thistle, yellow starthistle, spotted knapweed and numerous other invasive plant species within the Truckee River watershed have been treated over the last two decades. In an effort to enhance and continue to protect the Truckee River watershed, TRWC with the qualified chosen Contractor, between June and August 2014, to treat known and newly identified populations of invasive plant species, in an effort to significantly reduce the number of individual invasive plants.
Please see the document: WW Treatment Contractor RFP Revised Schedule 5-13-14.pdf (link removed) for details.
Click here (link removed) to view questions received from potential vendors and answers from TRWC.
Proposals are due to TRWC by 5 pm on May 22, 2014. For more information, please contact Jeannette Halderman at (530) 550-8760 ext. 6.