by: Beth Christman, Director of Restoration Programs
Thank you to the many community volunteers that spent a beautiful fall day working on restoration projects throughout our Truckee River watershed on Sunday, October 14th.
Together, we were able to complete work on many restoration projects located throughout the entire Truckee River watershed; here are some stats from the day:
- Over 500 people volunteered to help with project work on Truckee River Day.
- 50 amazing group leaders gave their time and energy to planning, preparing and managing the day’s restoration projects.
- 15 restoration projects were completed thanks to collaboration among volunteers, partners and donors.
- 300+ Lahontan Cutthroat trout fingerlings released into the Truckee River.
Photos of Truckee River Day 2012: (top to bottom) revegetation areas near Coldstream Canyon Ponds, Eurasian Watermilfoil removal in the Truckee River, restoration work at the Little Truckee River, educating through art at the River Fair. (Stefan McLeod Photography)
Save the date and join the fun at Truckee River Day next year: October 20, 2013!