Lisa Wallace, Executive Director
Our work is scientific: assessing and monitoring the biology, geology, and hydrology of a site. It’s also managerial: coordinating agencies, consultants and contractors. It’s funding: finding grants, foundations and donors. Finally, it’s educational: alerting people about our stressed ecosystem. By spearheading projects and influencing policies, we and our partners and funders make the watershed more resilient and sustainable.
We are gearing up to complete restoration design and construction in 2019 and 2020:
1. CLOSED- Lacey Meadows Restoration Design. With our partner the Truckee Donner Land Trust, we are beginning the restoration of Lacey Meadow. The RFP is here.
2. CLOSED- Restoration Project Communication Strategy, Plan and Messaging: Martis Wildlife Area. The updated RFP is here.
3. Other projects. We’ll be releasing a series of RFPs over the next 3-5 months in support of several projects. We will update this list regularly.
It takes a dedicated partnership to do what we do. Our partners provide critical access to the meadows, rivers, and streams we restore. We often work side-by-side co-managing projects. Thank you to our partners of the past decade.
Restoring meadows. Reviving forests. Saving habitats. None of this can even get started without the generous support of our funders. Thank you to the donors of the Truckee River Watershed Council and our funders of the past 10 years.