April 26th River Friendly Landscaping Workshop
Especially designed for Contractors, Landscape Architects and BMP Installers
Learn how you can help your clients help the Truckee River watershed through implementation and maintenance of river-friendly landscaping and management of invasive weeds.
Join us at Cedar House Sport Hotel in Truckee, April 26, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. Lunch will be provided. For more details: Lunch and Learn.
Image: credit / Jeanette Halderman
May 14th – 16th Annual Snapshot Day
Join us for hands-on-water quality monitoring of our watershed by participating with our Adopt-A-Stream event. Monitoring teams will collect data that is used for restoration projects and overall watershed protection.
Snapshot Day covers as much geographic area as possible in order to capture a “snapshot” in time of water quality for the entire Truckee River watershed. Samples are taken from the Lake Tahoe Basin and follow the Truckee River watershed all the way to Pyramid Lake.
- Family Friendly event!
- School groups welcome!
- BBQ from 12:00 – 1:00
- Team Leader Training is scheduled for Thursday, May 5th for those interested in leading stream teams.
For more details: Adopt-A-Stream
Image: credit / John Baiocchi