by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager

4/16/13 Update for Prospective Bidders:

Please see Addendum No. 1 (dated 4/16/13) [link removed] to the original Negro Canyon Restoration Design Request for Proposals dated 4/2/13. This addendum revises section 3.3 Project Cost.

The Truckee River Watershed Council seeks to hire a consultant to complete a restoration design plan for several sites within Negro Canyon, a tributary to Donner Lake in the Truckee River watershed. The goals of the project are to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and restore native riparian and upland habitat.

The Negro Canyon watershed has experienced significant impacts through past land use including intense logging, fire, and construction of Interstate 80. These impacts have led to the development of a poorly constructed road network that has disrupted natural drainage patterns and is causing significant erosion. Restoration work will primarily consist of restoring abandoned road alignments, revegetating areas with native plants, restoring eroded stream channels, and re-establishing natural drainage patterns. Significant habitat and water quality improvements are expected to result from project implementation.

Please see the Negro Canyon Restoration Design Request for Proposals dated April 2, 2013 (link removed) for more information. Proposals due to TRWC by April 23rd. For more information, please contact Beth Christman via email or at (530) 550-8760 ext. 1.

Registration ends Friday, October 11th