by Kathy Whitlow, Operations Manager
The Truckee River Watershed Council seeks to hire a consultant to complete a restoration design plan for the Middle Martis Creek Wetlands Restoration Project.
Prior to the construction of Brockway road (now Highway 267) in the 1800’s, Middle Martis Creek formed an alluvial fan as it entered Martis Valley. When the road was constructed, the creek was confined to a single channel, now on the south side of the highway. The confinement of Middle Martis Creek to a single channel has caused several significant problems including channel instability, erosion, and headcutting in the Martis Wildlife Area and erosion of roadways and trails in the area.
The Middle Martis Restoration project was identified in the Martis Watershed Assessment (MWA) conducted by TRWC and completed in 2012. The project aims to restore a portion of the flow to the north side of Highway 267, while maintaining sufficient flow on the south side to sustain existing wetlands and riparian habitat. Reactivation of the historic stream channel on the north side of the highway should increase wetland habitat in Martis Valley. This restoration work will provide multiple benefits, including increased wetland acreage, increased and enhanced riparian habitat, decreased erosion in Middle Martis Creek, improved fish passage, and protection of infrastructure.
Please see the Middle Martis Wetlands Restoration Design Request for Proposals dated July 3, 2013 [link removed] for more information. Attachments 1 (Middle Martis Concept Design) and 2 (Middle Martis Figures) [links removed] are also available online. Proposals are due to the Watershed Council by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30th. For more information, please click on the links for the RFP documents above or contact Beth Christman via email or at (530) 550-8760 ext. 1.