by Lisa Wallace, Executive Director

A severely eroding bank in Coldstream Canyon before before restoration work began. Photo: Jeff FisherIs that true? It sounds ridiculous when you say it that way.

But, it’s quite possibly the reason for stalling the start of a project.

I often work with partners who are nervous to start a watershed restoration or protection project. The causes of the meadow, habitat, or water quality problems seem too difficult to effect. They don’t have the confidence that big problems can be fixed.

Maybe they don’t quite trust that working with us, the Truckee River Watershed Council, we will be able to find a solution.

On the other hand, there’s no doubt that, “If you don’t start, you will fail.” If we don’t start, how can our rivers, meadows, fish, and wildlife come back to thriving?

I think if people knew more about us and our track record they would be more willing to start…

Can you help us spread the word about the Watershed Council? It’s easy – host a River Talk – a virtual tour of the watershed and our projects – in your home or office, with your friends or colleagues.

You can help more people get to know us. And then we can all together get past “not starting.”

Image: A severely eroding bank in Coldstream Canyon before before restoration work began. Photo: Jeff Fisher

Registration ends Friday, October 11th