by Phoenix Anthony, Office Manager

Thank you to those who attended the Truckee Wetlands Assessment presentation.Truckee Wetlands Concept Plan; Balance Hydrologics, Inc./L+P Designworks

This past Tuesday, January 28th, the Watershed Council hosted a presentation on the Truckee Wetlands Assessment and Restoration. It was attended by nearly 90 guests interested in hearing more about this project right in the middle of town. Thank you to everyone for your interest, your questions, and feedback!

The Truckee Wetlands are a fragmented wetland complex starting at Hilltop, interrupted by Old Brockway Road and Estates Drive, re-starting near Martis Valley Estates, and eventually connecting to the Truckee River. The wetlands are not fully functioning, but can be reconnected to provide water quality and habitat benefits. But there will also be tremendous community benefits, improving a community resource while maintaining current use. Many are looking forward to the progression of this project and the future restoration work taking place in the Truckee Wetlands.

We’ve heard questions about how you can help. Let us know how important this project is to you! Let us know that you want to learn more. You will have an opportunity this spring to attend more informational meetings on this project. Please contact Michele at 530-550-8760 x4 or to learn more about meeting times.

For more information on this project and others, please visit our website. You can also view the 1/28/2014 presentation.

Thank you to speakers for the evening: TRWC’s Jeannette Halderman and Michele Prestowitz, and David Shaw at Balance Hydrologics.

Also, to the Cedar House Sport Hotel for hosting!

As always, we thank our funders whose generous support helps make this restoration work possible:

  • Truckee River Watershed Council donors
  • Town of Truckee
  • Truckee Donner Public Utility District
  • Western Nevada Community Foundation-Truckee River Fund
  • California Department of Conservation

 Photo: Truckee Wetlands Concept Plan; Balance Hydrologics, Inc./L+P Designworks